Sunday, January 11, 2009

Blah blah blah

Well, I've officially started school. Fortunately, it looks like I'll be able to manage my schedule pretty well this semester, but I'm not so sure about May. Oh, May, May, my favorite month. It will be a rough May this year as I travel to Nebraska and draft my dissertation proposal. I'm VERY, Very nervous about that. I'm just starting my first classes in the program and I'll start working on my book in just a few months. Holy cow! Okay, enough rambling about me. I just wanted to get that off my chest.

Quick updates: Nickolas is sick (the tummy kind...gross). Nathan is well (for a monkey, that is). Basement is progressing (slowly). Traci's curtains are in the same state they were in last week, and I still haven't started our bedroom curtains.

Here is a quick one to make you smile:

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