Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'm having a non-good morning

Rather than have a midlife crisis brought on by the abrupt changes in American politics, I'm just going to post an adorable photo of the boys for you.

In the 1950s, George Orwell described what he calls Newspeak in his eerily prophetic book 1984. What is Newspeak? According to Orwell, it is words "deliberately constructed for political purposes: words, that is to say, which not only had in every case a political implication, but were intended to impose a desirable mental attitude upon the person using them."

Let's take a quick look at Obama's Newspeak:
  • The War on Terror is now to be referred to as Overseas Contingency Operation
  • Terrorists or acts of terrorism are now to be referred to as Man-Caused Disasters

Really? Do people not see that this is a power grab? A way to change the way people remember what is happening? Okay, I have to stop. But really, if you haven't read 1984, please do. And if you have time, stick Animal Farm on your reading list, too. That one will show you how utopian communism isn't.

The bizarre thing is that Orwell was a socialist. It amazes me that no matter what path we follow, sometimes there are inevitable openings to which we must approach. Was the door intentionally left open for a socialist President to enter? Was it inevitable? I wonder what is in store for us in the coming year.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Preparing for the Pine Car Derby

The boys are building their cars for the Pine Car Derby this weekend. We are taking them to church tomorrow night to have the cars weighed and measured and impounded until race day. That's this weekend, so I'll let you know how it goes. All three of the boys had a blast building and decorating their cars.