Well, in the past month, the boys have outgrown most of their clothes and shoes, not to mention their mom/monny. Nathan is the poster child for two-year-old independence-seeking, while Nickolas is just really, really smart. I'm partial, I do realize that, but what three-year-old appropriately uses the word "actually" in a sentence. Example:
Me: Nick, what is in your shoe?
Nick: Actually, mom, it's a frog.
Me: Really? A toad or a frog?
Nick: It's actually a frog, mom. It came from the pond.
Creepy. Weird. Whoa.
Nathan is really working on his sentences and words. He is much easier to understand, but that isn't always fun. Example:
Me: Nathan, please put your head on your pillow. It's time for bed, buddy.
Nathan: I no wanna take a nap.
Me: Well that's good, 'cause it's bedtime, not naptime.
Nathan: Get out of here, Monny!
It's been a fun summer.
Oh, I almost forgot to tell you about Nick's new habit. "I'm sorry." Wonder where that comes from...
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