Monday, March 8, 2010


Okay, I've figured out how to use my fabric stashes. Make quilts. I just made the top of one (using these fabrics)  that's going to go in the family room. By the way, I discovered Creative Quilt Kits - right.down.the.road. What an unexpected treat!

I know that my iPhone photos aren't the best, but I really wanted to capture this before I but the backing on and quilt it. I didn't use a pattern (you can tell), but I tried to be consistent with my strip sizes.

In other news, my Weekender Bag made it through the airport and Mexico and back! It was really great. The only thing I'd do differently is add a should strap for carrying it through the airport. Otherwise, it was really roomy and help three bathing suits, an extra outfit, my laptop & cord, two textbooks, my makeup bag AND my Kindle. Very handy indeed.